My web browser isn't working

Work through the steps below if you’re having trouble viewing websites:

Step 1:

Try going to and If you can see these websites, the problem might be with the sites you’re trying to access, rather than your browser.

Step 2:

If you can’t see or Google, try again using a different browser (eg Internet Explorer or Google Chrome). If you can view the sites on a different browser, the problem might be with the original browser.

Try updating to the latest version of the browser, and then see if you can access the websites above.

Step 3:

Still can’t view either of the sites? Try this quick fix:

  1. Close your web browser.
  2. Switch off your NOW Broadband Hub at the mains, and then switch it on again.
  3. Re-open your browser.

If you still can't access specific websites, can only see part of your web pages, or can’t open any websites at all, follow the steps below to check your browser settings.

Step 4:
Check your browser settings

If the internet light on your Hub is white, check your service status for any network issues and for troubleshooting tips.

If the internet light on your Hub is flashing, but you can't see any web pages, then you need to check your web browser settings using the steps below.

If your browser isn’t listed, then take a look at the Help menu for your browser to find out how to check your settings.

  1. Open Internet Explorer.
  2. Open the Tools menu, and then Internet Options.
  3. Select the Connections tab.
  4. Select LAN Settings.
  5. Make sure all boxes in the Automatic configuration and Proxy server sections are unticked.
  6. Select OK and then OK again to save your changes.
  7. Close Internet Explorer, and then restart it. Try to view a website that you couldn’t access before.
  1. Open Firefox.
  2. Select the menu icon in the top right of your browser, then select Options.
  3. Select the Advanced tab, followed by the Network tab.
  4. Select Settings.
  5. Select the Use system proxy settings option.
  6. Select OK, and then OK again to save your changes.
  7. Close Firefox, and then restart it. Try to view a website that you couldn’t access before.
  1. Open Google Chrome.
  2. Select the menu icon, and then select Settings.
  3. Select Show advanced settings.
  4. Under Network, select Change proxy settings.
  5. In the pop-up box select the Connections tab, then select LAN settings.
  6. In the Local Area Network (LAN) Settings window, make sure all the boxes in both the Automatic configuration and Proxy server sections are unticked.
  7. Select OK, and then OK again to save your changes.
  8. Close Google Chrome, and then restart it. Try to view a website that you couldn’t access before.
  1. Open Safari.
  2. Click on the Settings menu (the cog) and then click Preferences.
  3. Select the Advanced tab.
  4. Click the Change settings button.
  5. In the Local Area Network (LAN) Settings window, un-tick all the boxes in the Automatic configuration and Proxy server sections – none of the boxes must be ticked.
  6. Click OK and then on the red cross to close both pop-up boxes.
  7. Close and then restart your browser.

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