How do I unsubscribe from NOW emails?

There are 2 types of email you might get from us which you can unsubscribe from:

As a new member, you’ll automatically get emails about the latest movies, sports and entertainment to help you make the most of NOW.

If you don’t want to receive these, there are several ways you can opt out:

1. Untick the marketing box on this screen, which you should see when you sign up:

Choose your contact preferences

2. Or click the unsubscribe link in one of our emails:

Unsubscribe link


3. Or, you can opt out by signing in to My Account and heading to Personal details.

Whichever way you choose, don't worry – you'll still receive essential updates about your NOW service.

To manage the alerts you get from the Help Community:

1. Go to, and select My Account, and then Sign In. Enter your username and password.

2. Click on your avatar, and then select My Subscriptions from the menu

3. Select Notification Settings.

4. Choose which emails, if any, you’d like to receive in the Email Notifications section.

5. Make sure the box next to ‘Automatically subscribe me to topics or reviews I participate in’ is unticked so you don’t automatically get emails for topics you post to in the future.


Unsubscribe from Community alerts

Why isn't there an 'unsubscribe' link in my email?

There are some NOW emails that you can't opt out of, because they provide essential information about your products or service that you need to be aware of.

So if you've received an email from us that doesn't have an 'unsubscribe' link at the bottom, this will be why.

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